Thursday, December 16, 2004

It is so strange

I have been using my new scanner this evening. I came up to some old photos from high school or college (depends on how the school is defined but that was at age 20 and after that graduation one can go to a university. When I was graduating there was a plan of publishing a book with photos and some information about every student graduating. The book was never published but I took half of the photos and I have them all.

I don't know if I took this one and I don't remember the girl very much but I do remember that photo when I see it now. I think she has been very interseting person and I'm wondering what she is doing now. I don’t think she ever knew about me as anything but perhaps as a shy photography boy [or perhaps not so shy] and one of those nerds most reading calculus and physics all the time or one of those guys in the speakers group where I was partitioning those years. Perhaps she new about me and perhaps she can remember me. Who knows but I don't think she will read this.

Most of those people I have not met since I graduated but some of them I meet frequently. I moreover work with two of them and at least also a husband of one of the girls.

It was in spring 1987.

I'm sometimes wondering how my life would have been if I had a girl like her as a girlfriend on those days. Things might be very different.

To be or never have been that is perhaps the question... but where on Earth can I find the answer?

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