Friday, December 21, 2007

A small campfire and "bread of leaf"

Hk making the fire

It was last weekend. The weather was just great on Saturday. HK had been asked to lit a campsmall fire in the Reykjavik forest area called Heidmörk if someone is interesting or what. We had some problems with the fire but with some help we managed and we had this good fire. Later came a woman reading from her book for some children but it was actually a part of some Chrismas acviviti.

But not time for more writing now. I gotta go!

And yes.. this is the "bread of leaf"... laufabrauð sko
makint the "bread of leafs"


Thursday, December 13, 2007

The health effort

There has been a health effort where I work for last several weeks. I was doing well in the beginning but later on I had too much to do in my work and had no time for running or any exercises at all. But this lunch time I finally went to the gym and even to the scary scale they have there. I was expecting some bad new but it was better than I had in my wildest dreams. More than 1 kg off since the last time I was there. Perhaps it’s just best to do nothing!

. . . .

The wind

There was such a heavy wind last night I just thought everything would blow away. In the middle of night I woke up from some sound I heard. There was an open window and the wind was coming inside. I closed all the windows and had to go outside and check if something was really going wrong. Nothing serious happened but the trash cans outside had fell down. I just put them on safer place and went to sleep again.

The weather was nice in the morning!

photo from some news

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The tiny house in the tiny forest...

Búrfell in the morning - Venus and The Moon
The main plan was to check if the house still existed. If the strong wind had blown it away or the mice had eaten it. Happily enough neither had happened. The first problem was to get in to the house since the door seemed to be totally stick fast but after some struggle we were able to open tod door. The door is actually brand new from last summer and my brother the door carpenter was with me.

First I didn’s see any sign of a mouse there but after couple of minutes I did actually find some shit from a mouse and hpfhphhh I did find the first dead one or rather what was left of it. Only a tiny piece of a dead one. I just throw it away. After some chocolate, one bear and some whiskey HK gave me we went to sleep in the house.

It was a great cold Icelandic night. While we were sitting outside I was wearing my wool underwear, one of my great thick woollen sweater with the greatest turtle neck you can imagine and a thick down coat (or should I say parka). Almost the same clothing while sleeping. Well actually not wearing the coat but as a substitute there came the sleeping bag for -30°C or something. The heavy woollen sweater was used as a pillow.

And there came a morning. A great one. The photo above is from that morning. Great one so extremely beautiful. It was just eight something in the morning. I had to go outside and pie. The moon was there and the star Venus and the mountain Burfell and just me. Soon enough my camera joined us and I did the above photo with the aid of my tripod.

Later in the morning or in the lunch time (actually I just went to sleep again and we both was sleeping to 11 something in the daytime) we did find the second mouse. A big one, not eaten but totally dead. It was something like this one:

... well actually it was some days ago to be precise!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I need to sleep tonight!

En það var ekki gert síðustu nótt

In the no-where
Búinn að fá nóg af því að gera ekkert skemmtilega kreatíft. HK á fjöllum en ég einn heima í kotinu. Hugmyndin að vinna eitthvað en lítið úr verki fyrir utan svona þetta endalausa að koma sér fyrir í nýrri íbúð og reyndar hjálpa Ralldign og Krstján svona smá að mála. Var reyndar ekki mikið duglegur verður að játast en þetta var nú reynar líka hálfpartinn eiginlega búið hjá þeim.

Síðasta nótt var seint og um síðir ákvörðuð dauð og ómerk og haldið út í myndatökuleiðangur. Það var farið í Hvalfjörð og ekki gert mart merkilegt á ljósmyndasviðinu annað en að komast að því að nýja fína fjarstýringin er alls ekki að gera sig þar sem hún neitar að taka amyndir á á Bulb tíma. Það var svo ekki fyrr en uppi á heiði sem eitthvað þolanlegt myndefni fannst einhverst staðar í þokunni. Fyrst eitt hús, svona frekar yfirgefið einsamalt á heiðinni og svo þetta undarlega skilti til að láta mann vita hvað býr í þokunni!
What to expect...

Svo í dag [eða gær miðað við dagsetninguna eftir miðnætti] þá ætlaði minn að vera fram úr hófi skófi duglegur og fara út að skokka. Eins og hafa má fyrir satt að þá verður sívaxandi bumbunni á mér allt að vopni. Haldiði ekki að það hafi allt verið heitavatnslaust hér hjá manni og því ekki hægt að fara í sturtu og þá skokk eiginlega ekki mjög fýsilegt. En minn sá við þessu og skokkaði bara í Laugardalnum með viðkomu í sturtuklefa þar og reyndar heitum potti líka. En það þarf að fara að taka á honum stóra sínum ef ekki á bara illa að fara með vaxtarlag Raggans!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


11th January 2007
In the kitchen, candlelight.... the camera on top of the fridge.... the triopod in the car wayting...


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

At the toilet

9th January 2007
Busy time at the toilet ... what am I supposed to do with all this paper ... some paperwork ... who made those documents ?


Monday, January 08, 2007

In bed...

8th January 2007
...going to sleep soon... a little bit after midnight but I still count this as the day when I woke up last time!


Sunday, January 07, 2007

In the darkness...

7th January 2007
For some explanation - it is only a photo, there is no darkness around me at all those days now or anytime!


Thursday, January 04, 2007

There are boxes everywhere...

4th January 2007
... and we are becoming a little bit crazy!

Last evening we went out to see a flat we can perhaps buy and that can indeed happen...


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The green stairwell

3rd January 2007
In the stairwell where I live now. Terrible green!

I have to walk there up and down million times since we are still moving out. This evening we moved several boxes to my parents house since our new house will be rather small!


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Moving out

2nd January 2007
We are moving out. After just 10 days or something like that I and HK have to move out. We don’t own our apartment but we are renting it from another guy. He plans to use the apartment for him self so we have to move out. As you can see we have something to do before se can leave!


Monday, January 01, 2007

In Langholt

1st January 2007
First day of a new year. I woke up in the Langholt. A house in the countryside belonging to HK’s family. It is both the first day of a new year and also the first day of this self portrait project. I almost forgot about this project and had this photo more or less by coincident!

I plan to have one photo each day I make myself with myself somewhere in it or at least some part of me in it.
