Saturday, January 17, 2004

Cold and snow

I'm a bit dissapionted. I was sexpecting so much snow after the snowstorm last night. Well there are plenty of snow as you can see on my fotolog but nut enough to go downtown on skis as I was hopping to.

I must go skiing somewhere else!

Friday, January 16, 2004

Yes I know I'm a lasy blogger

But I sometimes have some other things to do and I also have my icelandic blog where I'm well writing a little bit more. But Now it is time to blog in the foreign language. I just hope someone read this one day and will like it. But anyway...

It is a real wintertime now in Iceland. On that friday night I'm not going anywhere since it it is snowing and there is some wind blowing and it is also cold. Tomorow will be snowing to the afternoon I think but the weather will get more nice after that. I'll perhaps use the oportunity and take some pictuers outside and put on my fotolog.

We in Reykjavik don't have so much snow but in the northern part of the country the snow in some towns are many meters.
The kids love it but the people have to help each other to get out of their houses.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Went to an artshow last saturday

When I was on my way home frome the local shop last saturday, I saw an opening at There was a friend of mine opening a little show. Was there or a while and went out dining with the artist and her husband afterwards.

I planned some skying trips with them that we are going to next month and in march also. More about that later. But so I will be in a godd shape in time, I have began jogging on the ice in Reykjavik almost every day. At least three times a week. (we have rather short weeks here in Iceland). I'm moreover running on a small crampoons I bought last friday at a schoemacer shop!

Sunday, January 04, 2004

I, me and myself

Some useless facts about me:

I am more icelandic than Keiko was
I like drinking coffee
I was more for tea at age of ten
I quit smiking at age five since my father told me it was bad for my health
I love mountains
I have been on the highest peak of my country, three times
I enjoy lineskateing and skiiing
I can listen to almost all kind of music. Including techno, rapp, opera, classic, djass, blues, modern and rock'n roll.
I am an engineer from University of Iceland
I have gone crosscountry skiiing over the largest glacier in Europe
I consider myself as an environmentalist
I am a forester
I wear glasses
I love my glasses
I am rather tall even on an icelancic scale
I have IQ at least 50% higher than my shoe number
I my feet are not so big
I don't belive in the results of these IQ tests. They doesn't seem make any sense at all
I have my own sence for humor... it is strange you know
I own more than 300 CDs. Have actually never counted them
I have a homepage since 1996
I like strange people
I can find normal people boring
I can never tell a joke without laughing myself, so usually the people listening doesn't laugh at all!
I am a owner two cars, but one of them doesn't work
I am more a live than Keiko is

Since I'm an Aquarius, I sometimes say that I'm best described as a sociable loner.


I am perhaps not new in that blog world but I have not been blogging in an international language since march last year. I will try my best. Well, my English isn't always as good as it should be but I hope people someone will understand something.

Other pages of me:

Icelandic blog
Old English blog
B/W fotos on fotolog
Homepage Icelandic
Homepage English

I hope that year of 2004 will be a great year for all of us with great adventures that I can tell you about on that blog page.

New blog

Since it is new year I think it is time for a new blog