Friday, January 24, 2003

My desire for good coffee

Sometimes I think I’m drinking to much coffee. The first cup is in the morning and the second cup is also in the morning. There are even more cups in the morning but I’ve never been able to count them all.

In the afternoon there are even some more cups to come. An now I’ve an invitation from a coworker to taste a special organic coffee. I hope I’ll not be hooked on it!

But if you want to try the best coffee in Iceland, go to Kaffitár. I Most often drink their Exprsso Krakatá coffee. It is just marvelous

Expressó Krakatá
Kröftug blanda Mið-Amerískra og Indónesískra kaffibauna brennd Vínarbrennslu. Krakatá hentar einkar vel í heimilisexpressóvélar fyrir kaffiunnendur sem vilja hafa Expressókaffið sitt aðeins minna brennt en venjulegt er með Expressókaffi. Krakatá hefur súkkulaðikenndan keim, þykkt og með örlitlu sykrukenndu eftirbragði. Það er frábært kaffi í heimalagað expressóskot, gefur góða kaffifroðu og fyllingu.

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