Monday, December 20, 2010


Since no one seems to be reading this I will use the opportunity to tell one of my secrets

Knitting a long wool scarf in my kitchen year 2009, wearing a sweater I also made.

It is perhaps not so much secret but sometimes do some knitting. Yes I love to knit some clothes mostly made of the marvelous icelandic wool (see the traditional icelandic wool sweaters, called lopapeysa). I wear the traditional icelandic lopapeysa very often but I usually never talk about that I have knit them more or less all myself.

I had liked those sweaters very much for some years and I owned couple of them and some how I got the idea of making them myself. I just tried and now I also like very much to knit.

Although I like those woolen sweaters very much now I have not done so all my life. When I was young I never wore them while everybody else in my family were using them. When I was young I told my mother I couldn't wear them since I itched so much while wearing them. I'm not sure if that was the real reason. I think I was just thought those sweaters were not good looking and cool kids were not wearing them at all. So during my teenage years I never owned a lopapeysa and everybody thought I didn't like them, but I did.

Somehow my mind changed and I began to desire one when I became a teenager. But since everybody thought I hated them I did never ask for one or buy myself one. My mother used to knit them for selling and I can remember I tried them on, just to feel how they felt. I even began to like the itching when the wool was next to my naked body.

Some of my knitting projects you can see here on my Flickr page.

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